Sunday, July 8, 2012

Ready For School

The kids and I are gearing up for a brand new school year and we couldn't be more excited! This year we decided to use a prepared curriculum instead of me writing lesson plans for all of them. This year I have four official students and preparing lessons four all of them is just getting to be a bit much for me to handle on my own. We opted to go with Oak Meadow and I couldn't be more thrilled. For the past few weeks since our books arrived I have been pouring over their lessons and doing additional research to add a few more enrichment activities to make it even more fun. I've been working on my own Main Lesson Books as examples for the kids and yesterday I spent several hours at the library gathering even more book for them to pour over. Tomorrow morning we will start easing back into a new rhythm for this school year. My hope is to start documenting some of the fun and exciting projects and activities that we experience here to share them with other families who are on a similar journey. I can't tell you how much the kids and I are all looking forward to this school year.


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